

Welcome to QFire, the ultimate quick fire mental math game!

This game is inspired by Math Flash by the American Printing House for the Blind. The aim of this game is simple, to answer as many short maths questions as you can. Are you a young child developing their mental math skills? Do you want to keep up the mental math skills you already have? This awesome game is for you!


System requirements


The highest version of QFire is V 1.1 SP1, compiled Saturday, 24th August, 2024.

Installing and launching

If you downloaded the installer, simply press Enter or double click on the file, then follow the on-screen instructions to install QFire to your PC. Once installed, press Enter or double click on the QFire desktop or start menu icon to launch the game. If you downloaded the zip file from Itch, use a tool such as 7-Zip, or the zip archive utility built into Windows, to extract the zip file to a location of your choice, then simply navigate to that location and press Enter or double click on the QFire executable file to launch the game. When you launch QFire, you will hear a short tune, then a message will appear, welcoming you to the game. You can close this message and go to the main menu by pressing Enter, or press Backspace to exit the game and return to Windows.

The main menu

QFire's main menu contains five options. To choose an option, simply press the key that relates to that option. This process is the same for all menus in QFire.

P. Play the game

This option brings up the game play menu, where you can choose from one of five mental math exercises.

At the end of each exercise, you will be told how many answers you got right, how many you got wrong, and a percentage accuracy score based on your right answers. You will also be told if you answered enough questions right to pass the exercise or not.

V. Visit the developer's website.

This opens the developer's website in a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Edge or Chrome.

R. View the readme file.

Opens the readme file in a text editor, such as Windows Notepad or Notepad++.

C. Configure settings.

Allows you to change various ways in which QFire works, such as the number of exercise questions, the target score for exercises, whether the welcome message is shown at startup, etc.

X. Exit the game.

The settings menu.

Here is where you can customize QFire to your liking. If you're a teacher or learning support assistant setting up QFire for a student, for instance, this is where you can do it. There are eight options in this menu.

S. Startup sound.

Controls whether the startup tune is played when you launch QFire. This is on by default.

X. Exit sound.

Controls whether the shutdown tune is played when you exit QFire. This is on by default.

W. Show welcome message at startup.

Turned on by default, this setting determines whether you see the QFire welcome message when you launch the game. Turn this off to go straight to the main menu upon launch.

Q. Number of exercise questions.

Allows you to decide how many questions you want the five exercises to have. You can have as many as 50 questions, or as few as 10. This is set to 25 by default.

T. Target score.

This setting controls the minimum number of questions that must be answered correctly in order to pass the exercises. It can be as low as 3, or as high as 15. The default setting is 5.

N. Show question number.

Shows the number of the current question. This is on by default.

C. Show correct answer when you get a question wrong.

The correct answer is hidden by default. Turning this setting on will show it.

D. Difficulty level.

The difficulty level determines the types of exercise questions you'll get. The four options are:

  1. Easy.
  2. Medium.
  3. Hard.
  4. Super hard!

The higher the difficulty level, the higher the numbers you'll have to work with, and the more brain power will be needed! The default difficulty level is 1. Easy. This setting only affects the adding, subtracting and multiplying exercises. The last 2 can get quite tricky on their own, especially dividing when decimal points get involved.

R. Reset settings.

Resets QFire's settings back to their default values. You will be asked to confirm your choice before the settings are reset.

B. Back to main menu.

Exercise reports

After each exercise, you have the option to generate an exercise report that contains information about your performance during the exercise. Exercise reports are saved to a file called QReport.txt in your documents folder. Exercise reports contain the following information:

Support the developer

Though QFire is completely free, your donations are highly appreciated and will help support the creation of future Seediffusion projects and covering personal costs. Here are some ways you can give your support.