This is FFdown, the quick, simple, accessible FFmpeg installer for Windows
If you don't like using package managers like Winget and Chocolatey, or you're on a version of Windows that doesn't support them, this tool will make the task of downloading and installing the FFmpeg suite on your system a snap. No more worrying about programs spewing errors because FFmpeg isn't installed.
FFmpeg is a free, open source suite of libraries and tools that allow for the conversion, playback, analysis, and manipulation of many types of multimedia files, such as video, audio and image files. Open source means that the programming code can be freely downloaded and modified by anyone. FFmpeg supports virtually any file type you throw at it, from the very old, to the very new, to the complete unknown. .mpg, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .wav, .aiff, .caf, .ram, .flv, .avi, it's all there! You might even call FFmpeg the most powerful multimedia suite on the planet!
FFdown requires a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or higher to run.
The highest version of FFdown is V 1.0, compiled on Sunday, August 11th, 2024.
Download the zip fileIf you're running Windows 7 and FFdown refuses to run, try installing the September 2019 security update included in the program folder. Simply launch the Win7Update file and follow the on-screen prompts to install the update.
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